(This post was uploaded here in 2023 but was originally published elsewhere in 2016.)
Reproducibility, Proofs and Domain Specific Languages
Today (2016-04-06) I gave an invited presentation at the Alan Turing Institute Symposium on Reproducibility for Data Intensive Research.
The title was "Reproducibility, Proofs and Domain Specific Languages" and slides, source and "script" are available in a new repository for "my part" of the CoeGSS.
The symposium brought together computer scientists, other researchers, librarians, publishers, data experts, etc. for two intensive days of talks and break-out sessions on different aspects of Reproducibility.
The participant included a number of active tweeters so here is the twitter view of the symposium days and here is me presenting a slide on the drama of Dee the Domain expert and Foo the Formaliser.