Patrik Jansson

Professor of Computer Science

Curriculum vitae


Computer Science and Engineering

Chalmers University of Technology

Room number: EDIT-6452
My office is in the EDIT building of campus Johanneberg, near Rännvägen 6.

Exploring fair climate policies under uncertainty and conflicting goals: a computer-aided approach

May 10, 2023

Today we handed in a grant application to the funding agency FORMAS under the call "A sustainable transformation for climate action in a changing world". We apply for 10M SEK over 4 years and the abstract in included below. 
Some relevant links / papers:


The latest IPCC report clearly shows that avoiding unmanageable consequences of climate change requires a profound transformation of the ways we produce, transport and consume energy, commodities and services. But the report provides little clues on which concrete climate policies can promote and sustain such a transformation through the next decades.
This is not very surprising: designing fair carbon taxes, and effective schemes for trading emission rights is difficult. And bans on cheap, emissions intensive technologies are difficult to agree upon, and if anticipated can lead to even higher global emissions.
In a nutshell: a transformation towards a fossil fuel free society must itself be sustainable. It must reach the national climate goals but also ensure safety and prosperity of future generations.
This requires an open, iterative decision process that integrates climate science with empirical data, domain-expert knowledge, etc. into stylized decision problems.
These problems need to handle uncertain knowledge. But they also have to account for uncertainties in the decision process itself: decisions are often delayed or postponed.
Doing so requires a holistic approach and a method that can deal with different kinds of uncertainty rigorously. The project will develop and apply this methodology by focusing on three main research questions: How to ...
WP1: encode stylized decision processes?
WP2: encode preferences and goals?
WP3: explore alternative policies?


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