Patrik Jansson

Professor of Computer Science

Curriculum vitae


Computer Science and Engineering

Chalmers University of Technology

Room number: EDIT-6452
My office is in the EDIT building of campus Johanneberg, near Rännvägen 6.

Dimension analysis and graded algebras

March 12, 2023

Late February I gave a talk at online meeting of the IFIP Working Group 2.1 on Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. The talk presents work in progress (earlier mentioned in a post 2022-11) on "Dimension analysis and graded algebras". The talk slides and associated Agda code is available on GitHub as  DSLsofMath/dimensionanalysis and the talk recording is on YouTube. The actual talk contents were mostly the same as for the talk at the Agda meeting 2022-11 in Edinburgh. But now with PDF slides instead of org-mode in emacs.

The plan is to write up and submit a paper during the spring.
UPDATE: Submitted 2023-08: see the post "Types, equations, dimensions and the Pi theorem".


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